One Accord
God has been writing a story in our hearts. Part of our story has been the gift of friendship and sisterhood with between a white woman and an African American woman. We have felt -together- that now is the time to address some of the misunderstandings and lack of knowledge through the lens of our friendship and the truth of the Scripture. This podcast exists to have a conversation about the education gap between cultures and to facilitate the difficult conversations around race we are experiencing as a society - most of all in the church. We invite you to follow along with us! Our prayer is that God moves even one heart toward love and change so that unity isn’t something we just say as a word - but a truth we experience.
One Accord
How to Have Hard Conversations
The 5 Tools:
Love Covers & Love Confronts
Love covering means that you are willing to put down an offense and not take up your right to be angry.
Love confronting is when the issue needs to be addressed for healing and it needs to be done productively.
James 1:20 - Human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.